A Day in Miss Elizabeth's Class

Children arrive, unpack their belongings and get ready for our day.  Arrival routines include such things as signing in at our attendance board (moving names from home to school), putting snacks/lunches in cubbies, and passing in communication folders.

Welcome Circle
The class comes together to start our day.  During our welcome circle, we gather to go over our daily schedule, review our classroom jobs (weather reporter, snack helper, counter, line leader, etc.), discuss our weekly theme, and talk about our daily learning centers.  Children also participate in music and movement activities.

Discovery Centers
During discovery time the children make an activity choice via the choice board and proceed to their chosen activity.  Some of our discovery centers include dramatic play, math center, block building, fine motor, writing activities, sensory, listening center, and group games. 

Snack & Lunch
Snack and lunch are provided from home (water is available, drinks from home are optional).  Snack and lunch time provide a wonderful opportunity to engage in social interactions with classmates and practice independence.

Goodbye Circle
At our goodbye circle we take time to reflect on our day.  We talk about what we learned in our centers and what we liked best about the activities that were offered.  This is also a time for us to read a story and take part in music as a whole group.

Motor Room and Playground
Children have the opportunity to participate in a variety of gross motor games and activities (indoors and outdoors).  Once a week, we visit the motor room.  The Occupational Therapist and Physical Therapist set up “activity stations” which focus on a variety of motor skills (i.e. balance, coordination, body strengthening and following movement sequences).

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Thank you for coming to orientation!

Here is the Power Point from today.  I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow morning for our first day! ...